Wild World

News Details


Name : Aerides ringens (Lindl.)C.E.C.Fisch.

Name : Aerides ringens (Lindl.)C.E.C.Fisch. Common name : Curled Aerides Habitat : Epiphyte

Distribution : India and Srilanka Flowering & fruiting : April to July IUCN category: Threatened

Description: Leaves 13-15 x 0.5 cm, linear, keeled, obliquely bi- lobulate. Flowers white with pink, 2 x 1.5 cm,in about 20 cm long, dorsal sepal 8 x 3 mm, oblong-ovate, acute,5-veined; later- als 5 x 3.5 mm, broadly ovate, acute, 5-veined;petals 6 x 3 mm, oblong, obtuse, 5-veined; lip 6 x 2 mm, ovate, acute, side lobes oblong or orbicular small, midlobe linear-oblong, acute; disc with fleshy callus; spur 6 x 2 mm, cylindrical.